Everlasting Fruit

The Cost Of Being A Disciple of Jesus

Episode 14

In this episode we consider the cost of being a disciple of Jesus. Luke 14:33 states, "whoever of you does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple" . When Jesus called his disciples, he only asked that they "Follow him". In following him, they had to leave their families, they had to leave their businesses, they had to look to him for guidance. They learned  from Him and were living life through him. He was going about doing the Lord's Will and they followed Jesus. He was accomplishing all that God called Him to do. That is how we are to count the cost. Are you ready to follow Jesus?  Are you ready to be a disciple of Jesus?

Let's connect:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/everlastingfruitpodcast/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9tlB4am0xw&t=147s
E-mail: everlasting.fruit8@gmail.com

Please take a moment to leave a rating and review about how this podcast has encouraged you. Thank You and God bless. Talk soon! #TeamFruitful

***My apologies for re-uploading, there was a major verse citing error on my part and I needed to correct it.  God bless.